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Heteki Volleyball Club - beach volleyball clinics for indoor players

Beach Volleyball for indoor players:

  • This program is designed for players who have more than 1 year of playing experience Indoor, who want to accelerate their development of skills for the indoor game. Our program helps players strengthen their ball control in all areas of the game: Serving, Passing, Hitting, Setting, and Defense. Because beach is played 2v2, players who train on the beach get a lot more reps and increase their versatilty on the court, which is a major asset when they play indoor. In addition, working on sand provides an extra level of physical resistance which helps improve players' stamina, overall conditioning, and over time helps improves their vertical jump.

For whoM:

For players who are 13 - 17 years of age with some experience playing volleyball


  • Nov/December  | Saturdays 10am-12pm


  • Nov 9, 16, 23, 30, Dec 7, 14, 21


  • 7 Sessions: $280
  • 4 Sessions: $200
  • Individual Session (pay -as-you-go): $55 per class 
heketi volleyball club - junior volleyball club in new jersey